In their book, The Fourth Turning, William Strauss and Neil Howe discuss a unique and history changing generation that comes along every 80 years. Out of four types of generations that occur, it is called the Civic or Hero generation. The thing that marks them is that they come of age during a major crisis.
The Civics responded successfully to the American Revolution in the 1760’s. Eighty years later, led by Abraham Lincoln in the 1850’s, they shed their blood to end slavery in the Civil War.
Thrust into the great depression and World War II in the 30’s and 40’s, the “Greatest Generation” woke up from Pearl Harbor and became a sacrificial Civic generation. The young men headed to war and women headed to factories for countless hours to save the world from evil regimes of Germany and Japan.
Eighty years later, the Millennials still have a chance to mature as they face their crisis, the invisible enemy of the Coronavirus. Will global Millennials rise to their crisis? Will the so called entitled generation come of age unselfishly and face this crisis head on?
I have been reading Strauss and Howe’s writings even before the Millennials became young adults for two decades. I have been dreaming of them maturing and making their mark on history. I have actually been waiting for the crisis that Strauss and Howe predicted in 1997.
Let’s pray three things for the Millennial generation globally: revival, reformation and revolution.
Every global human being, including Millennials, have had every crutch pulled out from beneath them in less than a month. These include health, finances, jobs, entertainment, faith and life itself. Hopefully, with fear, constant change and uncertainty, they will turn to their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by the millions.
Sadly, the Millennials have been fed progressive and liberal garbage thru education, media and entertainment. Let’s pray for a full return to Biblical truth and values demonstrated by the church.
Like Civic generations before, they were forced to come up with immediate and future answers to the huge crisis that faced them down. Like the American Revolution, the Civil War, the Depression and World War II, they were forced to face death in the face and rise to the occasion. They were pressed to bring immediate and long-lasting answers to the dying. Here is some of the challenges they must overcome.
1. Dependence on other nations for goods: much quickly create products, medicines using innovation
2. Vulnerability to a new and lethal virus coming across borders: must create technology to identify them
3. Embracing of the lie of globalism and strengthen borders: all nations closing borders during this crisis
1. Break our dependence on Weekly Gatherings: return to the early church book of Acts model
2. Restructure and transform small groups into radical ministry teams and go teams
3. Embrace Discipleship using real and intentional programs
Strauss, William, Neil Howe, The Fourth Turning. An American Prophecy. 1997. Broadway, New York. Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group

Dave Gustaveson
Author and Speaker
Dave Gustaveson has been in YWAM for over 40 years. He lives in Castle Rock, Colorado and has authored a number of kids books.
Dave works with local churches globally to bring discipleship, leadership training and global vision.
He has a passion to see the Millennial generation come into its full destiny.