“We the present-day Americans are not given to looking backward. In this blessed land there is always a better tomorrow,” ~Ronald Reagan
And yet here we are–Hollywood is now running a movie to look back of one of our greatest presidents, who set in motion the Make American Great Again movement of the 1980’s. It was, indeed, “morning in America” again, thanks to this marvelous man.
It took very little time, however, for his predecessor–HW Bush– to ruin what Reagan started.
Bush got the presidency handed to him on a silver platter and proceeded go another direction. He spoke of a “kinder, gentler” conservatism, raised taxes, and promoted a “New World Order.” He was “Central casting” for everything that was wrong with Washington DC.
Four years of the H.W. Bush presidency deflated the spirit that Reagan had revived. The visionless bureaucrat Bush was mediocre at best, and proud of his mediocrity. He was not a conservative.
Herbert Walker Bush all but destroyed the Reagan Revolution in just four years, abandoning it before it had time to put down lasting roots and reach its full potential.
What transpired after that is a slowly brewing nightmare that has brought is to where were are right now. This year—and this year only–we can turn things around and steer the country back to what Reagan started, a vision to Make America Great Again.
If we don’t get this right this year, we will experience Ronald Reagan’s dire prediction:
Reagan was a man chosen for his time to bring America back, just like DJT is the man in this moment of time to do the same. DJT would have been too much for the 1980’s crowd, and I guarantee you, Reagan would have not survived this political environment.
When it comes to Reagan, real life is better than any movie Hollywood can muster. One of my favorite Reagan moments is his second inaugural, surrounded by a standing, admiring crowd of politicians from both side of the aisle. He was re-elected, winning 49 states. Pretty amazing.