Eric Metaxas, in his magnificent book “Letter to the American Church,” makes reference to German sociologist Elizabeth Noel Newmen who had lived through Hitler’s Germany in the 1930’s. She was generally pro-Hitler. and even met him while attending University.

Years later, she wondered how so many in her native land, including herself, could have been so foolish to support a tyrant like Hitler, why did so many who opposed Hitler privately avoid speaking out until the horror had passed.

Metaxas explains, “From this, she came up with the idea of the ‘spiral of silence.’ It refers to the idea that when people fail to speak, the price of speaking rises. As the price to speak rises, still fewer speak out, which further causes the price to rise so that fewer people yet will speak out, until a whole culture or nation is silenced.”

This explains the phenomenon of the “Good German,” the otherwise loving and moral “progressive Christians” who nonetheless chose to say nothing as Jews were carted away to their death in box cars. If the American church. or the American people in general, remain as sheep who go “silently to the slaughter” by refusing to take the risk of being cancelled, rejected by friends, or outed by society, then you can stick a fork in the Republic.


The “social credit system” that is now the law in Communist China, is on its way to America. To retain the massive revenue share of the Chinese market, Zuckerburg’s Facebook (now Meta) has assisted the CCP in their domination and manipulation of information to enslave their people. Is that not happening as well in America to some extent? You bet. But we haven’t seen anything yet if this trend goes unchecked.